
SEA Science & Conservation


Polar Bears & Humans with Ole Liodden. Ole is a Norwegian pro wildlife photographer, author, expedition leader and conservationist. He discussed with us his recent book, Polar Bear & Humans, which details hunting statistics, information from scientific studies, regulations and hunting quotas on polar bears, as well as other information that is important for the management and conservation of polar bears today and in the future. Spoiler alert: the current management of polar bears is not sustainable.

Our Coral Reefs in 2050 with Dr Emma Camp. As an ocean explorer, she has discovered natural populations of super tolerant corals, which she is researching to better understand how corals may survive in the unpredictable decades to come. Emma talked about the current state of corals on the Great Barrier Reef, explained to us the science behind resilient corals that are able to live in challenging conditions, and predicted how they might be the key to the survival of coral reefs in a warmer, and more acidic future.

Our Ocean in 2050 with Dr Mark Erdmann. Mark is a world-renowned coral reef ecologist and marine conservationist. As the VP of Asia-Pacific Programs at Conservation International, he is one of the most knowledgeable experts on the planet when it comes to understanding and guiding marine conservation and education initiatives in Indonesia. Erdmann has described 162 new species of fish, mantis shrimp, corals, and published 205 scientific articles and five books, so you really won’t want to miss this interesting and informative webinar.

Be Happy as a Giant Clam with Dr Neo Mei Lin. Mei Lin is a marine ecologist working at the St. John’s Island National Marine Laboratory. Her passion to save the giant clams led to the genesis of two restocking programs in Singapore, with the aim to breed and raise young clams to put back onto reefs. In this session you will learn everything you’ve always wanted to know about giant clams, and hear about the important work Mei Lin is doing to build up marine conservation awareness in Singapore and elsewhere through science communication.

Deeper into Whales & Sharks with Dr Olaf Meynecke. Olaf is CEO and co-founder of Humpbacks & High-Rises Inc, a not for profit research organization dedicated to urban marine mammal research and protection. With more than 30 peer-reviewed publications, and numerous appearances on TV and radio, his passion for science communication is well documented throughout local and international media. His extensive knowledge of sharks and whales makes this a must-watch webinar for anyone interested in these amazing pelagic creatures.

Arts in Conservation with Sharon Kwok. Sharon is a famous Chinese-American actress who has used her platform to raise environmental awareness in Hong Kong and Mainland China. She focuses specifically on issues that are related to Hong Kong and China’s unsustainable exploitation of wildlife. Her fascinating family background and direct experience with the wildlife trade makes her perspective extremely valuable, especially in these pandemic times.

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