Blue Ring - Global Campaign

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Pledge your support to Ocean Conservation by supporting Blue Ring, a global awareness campaign lauched by Alex Rose.  Blue ring is your opportunity to show your love for the sea and Mery™ the Ocean.

BlueRingPic 500x335Blue Ring ( is a fantastic initiative which allows people to pledge their commitment to conservation by "merying" the ocean.  For a membership fee of $25 annually, supporters will receive a silicone blue ring and digital "Meriage Certificate." Those 18 and under can be adopted by the ocean and become "Children of the Sea" and receive a pendant instead of a ring.

Each year, the money raised will go towards funding a different ocean initiative in its entirety. The first goal is to raise $5 million for two 1000-meter, dual-classed submersibles built by Deep Ocean Exploration and Research (DOER). This will require 200,000 people to mery™ the ocean.

A global ocean commitment ceremony will be held on World Oceans Day 2018 (June 8, 2018) for those who have joined Blue Ring.  In this televised ceremony, you will be able to Mery™ the Ocean from anywhere in the world to demonstrate your ongoing and committed relationship with the ocean. World renowned oceanographer and explorer Dr. Sylvia Earle will officiate the first service.  Children can become a child of the sea by becoming adopted during the service.

Show your support and receive your ring or pendant or learn more by heading to




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